Шокиращи СНИМКИ „преди и след” от изравнените със земята градове в Италия

Силният трус уби най-малко 38 души, мнозина в съня им

Снимки, направени преди и след съкрушителното земетресение в Италия, показват как малките градове и селца са се превърнали в руини. Там, където преди да се издигали цветни кокетни сгради със своите калдъръмени дворове, сега има само огънати метални пръчки и отломки. На някои от снимките могат да бъдат видени спасителните екипи, които правят всичко по силите си, за да измъкнат оцелелите изпод развалините.

<p>На една от &bdquo;преди&rdquo; снимките се вижда елегантна часовникова кула на град Аматрис, която в резултат на земния трус, <a href="https://www.blitz.bg/news/article/439248"><strong>за който БЛИЦ съобщи по-рано</strong></a>,&nbsp;частично се е срутила, а някои от къщите до нея напълно са изравнени със земята.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> На снимките се вижда, че някои градове са пострадали още по-зле от другите. На улица в Аркуита дел Троно, една от сградите е напълно срутена, докато друга до нея се е разминала само с повреди по фасадата.</p> <img width="500" alt="A clock building was once a key feature in the town of Amatrice (top) it is now one of the only remaining structures in a once idyllic street (bottom)" height="649" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/3789B19E00000578-3756203-A_clock_building_was_once_a_key_feature_in_the_town_of_Amatrice_-a-96_1472035594530.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="A clock building was once a key feature in the town of Amatrice (top) it is now one of the only remaining structures in a once idyllic street (bottom)" height="649" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/3789B19E00000578-3756203-A_clock_building_was_once_a_key_feature_in_the_town_of_Amatrice_-a-97_1472035594532.jpg" width="962" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="The neatly stacked pile of tires outside a garage in Accumoli (top) are now scattered across the road (bottom)" height="647" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/3789D6E100000578-3756203-The_neatly_stacked_pile_of_tires_outside_a_garage_in_Accumoli_to-a-98_1472035594582.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="The neatly stacked pile of tires outside a garage in Accumoli (top) are now scattered across the road (bottom)" height="647" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/3789D6E100000578-3756203-The_neatly_stacked_pile_of_tires_outside_a_garage_in_Accumoli_to-a-99_1472035594584.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="A once quiet and picturesque street is seen with locals going about their daily lives (left) before the earthquake. On Wednesday the beautiful balcony of the building collapsed into a pile of rubble (right)" height="1303" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/37899D1300000578-3756203-A_once_quiet_and_picturesque_street_is_seen_with_locals_going_ab-a-104_1472035594684.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="A once quiet and picturesque street is seen with locals going about their daily lives (left) before the earthquake. On Wednesday the beautiful balcony of the building collapsed into a pile of rubble (right)" height="1303" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/37899D1300000578-3756203-A_once_quiet_and_picturesque_street_is_seen_with_locals_going_ab-a-105_1472035594686.jpg" width="964" /> <ul id="ext-gen20"> <li id="ext-gen26">&nbsp;</li> </ul> <img width="500" alt="A town square in Amatrice featuring cobbled pavement, hanging flower baskets and a peach coloured traditional Italian building (top) is now utterly devastated and left in ruins (below)" height="653" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/37899CFE00000578-3756203-A_town_square_in_Amatrice_featuring_cobbled_pavement_hanging_flo-a-101_1472035594610.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="A town square in Amatrice featuring cobbled pavement, hanging flower baskets and a peach coloured traditional Italian building (top) is now utterly devastated and left in ruins (below)" height="653" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/37899CFE00000578-3756203-A_town_square_in_Amatrice_featuring_cobbled_pavement_hanging_flo-a-100_1472035594608.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <br /> <img width="500" alt="The same town square in Amatrice is seen here from a different angle. Above the building is intact but below half of it has crumbled to the ground &nbsp;" height="653" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/3789A58200000578-3756203-The_same_town_square_in_Amatrice_is_seen_here_from_a_different_a-a-102_1472035594640.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="The same town square in Amatrice is seen here from a different angle. Above the building is intact but below half of it has crumbled to the ground &nbsp;" height="653" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/3789A58200000578-3756203-The_same_town_square_in_Amatrice_is_seen_here_from_a_different_a-a-103_1472035594641.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="A once delightful Italian street in Amatrice filled with terracotta-coloured buildings (left) now appears as a mass of grey rubble (right)" height="947" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/3789711900000578-3756203-A_once_delightful_Italian_street_in_Amatrice_filled_with_terraco-a-94_1472035594504.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="A once delightful Italian street in Amatrice filled with terracotta-coloured buildings (left) now appears as a mass of grey rubble (right)" height="947" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/3789711900000578-3756203-A_once_delightful_Italian_street_in_Amatrice_filled_with_terraco-a-95_1472035594506.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="The shock waves of the earthquake last night tore through this large building in Accumoli, leaving a gaping space where most of the structure once stood" height="651" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/378A280900000578-3756203-image-m-74_1472034662604.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="The shock waves of the earthquake last night tore through this large building in Accumoli, leaving a gaping space where most of the structure once stood" height="651" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/378A280900000578-3756203-image-m-76_1472034675584.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <br /> <img width="500" alt="The photographs show how some buildings in the towns suffered more than others. In this street in Arquata del Tronto, one building completely collapsed while the building next door only suffered damage to the facade" height="653" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/378A281000000578-3756203-image-a-85_1472034730796.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="The photographs show how some buildings in the towns suffered more than others. In this street in Arquata del Tronto, one building completely collapsed while the building next door only suffered damage to the facade" height="653" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/378A281000000578-3756203-image-m-84_1472034725665.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <br /> <img width="500" width="500" alt="Emergency services initially struggled to reach all the affected areas because they are mostly small towns and villages spread out across the mountainous area. This building in&nbsp;Arquata del Tronto now has a gaping hole in one wall" height="649" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/378A282000000578-3756203-image-m-91_1472034791236.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <img width="500" alt="Emergency services initially struggled to reach all the affected areas because they are mostly small towns and villages spread out across the mountainous area. This building in&nbsp;Arquata del Tronto now has a gaping hole in one wall" height="649" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/24/11/378A282000000578-3756203-image-m-93_1472034803220.jpg" width="964" /><br /> <br /> Силното земетресение уби най-малко 38 души, включително две деца. Много от жертвите са загинали, докато са спели.<br /> <br /> <strong>Редакция: БЛИЦ</strong>

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