"Capital"'s new mantra that Peevski's return to politics is a wave of the finger against America is untenable and shows only the helplessness of oligarch Prokopiev

After the initial shock that the protégés of the oligarch Ivo Prokopiev experienced from the return of Delyan Peevski to political life, the media of the oligarchic group have already created a new mantra. Thay claim that Peevski's return was a "wave of the finger against America". Prokopiev wants this to be the case, but this statement is also initially untenable (like all of their previous mantras for Peevski) and is the result only of the powerlessness of the oligarchic circle.

It is no surprise that Prokopiev is once again speaking on behalf of America. The oligarch from Razgrad has been creating the public impression for years that he is the man of America in our country. As well as that he and his political proxies formed “Kozyak street”'s opinion on the situation in the country. Of course, not with objective information, but with slanders and manipulations against his business or political opponents (as Delyan Peevski undoubtedly appears). Thus it was imposed in society, not without the active incitement by Prokopiev himself and his media, that the oligarch from Razgrad could even ensure the imposition of American sanctions against Bulgarian citizens.

Thus, the "America's man" Prokopiev gained even greater power in Bulgarian political reality. And the fear from the man of “Kozyak street” intensified tremendously. That this fact works for Prokopiev is more than clear, but whether it works positively for the influence of our American partners is rather doubtful.

What did Prokopiev expect from the sanction against Peevski, imposed by the active slanders of the protégés of the "Capital" circle and which misled the administration overseas? He expected to get rid of the man who, over the years, had the courage to open the topics about the oligarch Prokopiev and the media-economic circle "Capital", which conquered the whole country behind the scenes. He expected Peevski to hide, to leave the country and that no one will hear about him again.
Undoubtedly there were such expectations, but they did not come true. On the contrary, Peevski not only did not hide, but also returned actively to political life, because only in this way he can prove his innocence. Because he is not afraid of the slanders and manipulations of the "Capital" circle, which over the years have created his media image of universal social evil, in which, of course, there is nothing true. So now it is no wonder that because of his return to the political scene, Peevski received only admiration from unbiased people.

Neither Peevski, nor any of his co-party members from the DPS (Movement for Rights and Freedoms), have and have never had a "war" with America, because the DPS has proven to be much more Euro-Atlantic oriented than any other party in Bulgarian political life. Including political projects "Yes, Bulgaria" and "Democratic Bulgaria", both of them engineered by Prokopiev, whose leaders, as well as Prokopiev himself, are the successors of the communist nomenklatura. And the problem is not what the media and journalists of Prokopiev are trying to suggest to us now.

The problem is that a handful of impostors, labeled themselves as "we are the people of America," have been looting business and Bulgarian society for years. They use the mainstream controlled by them and the dependent on them state institutions and the Bulgarian court. This is exactly the nature of Ivo Prokopiev's oligarchic circle "Capital", who conquered the state. Symbiosis between behind-the-scenes political influence, control over the media and information, and inviolability of justice. And the genesis can be traced back to the years of bandit privatization conducted by Ivan Kostov, when just for one day Prokopiev from a poor but loyal to Kostov young man from Razgrad became a millionaire.

This is exactly how DPS responded to Prokopiev in the statement released in the media yesterday - we do not have a war with America, on the contrary, we have always been loyal to our Euro-Atlantic partners from Europe and the US, because for us Euro-Atlanticism is a irrevocable value. And the sanction against Peevski is not a problem for DPS, because if it is unfairly imposed (as party representatives have repeatedly stated), it should be lifted. Which, by the way, is also guaranteed by the American law, which allows appealing the sanction in court.

Therefore, no matter how much Prokopiev's protégés, such as Bedrov or Polina Paunova, stumble on the pages of „Free Europe“ or „Dnevnik“, that Peevski is waving a finger at America, they will lead to ridicule and nothing else. And they will not mislead anyone. Because the only finger that Peevski is waving now is against Prokopiev himself and the oligarchic circle "Capital". Against the model of the conquered state, which the MP from DPS wants to expose and against which he undertakes to fight in the name of a better future for our country.

And to the desperate cries of Prokopiev's men - how Peevski ran for MP after being sanctioned under the "Magnitsky Act", why he meets with people every day, why he is accepted in mayors' offices as if nothing happened..., most accurate answer was find in the widespread opinion of the US Embassy - because only Bulgarian law can say who can or can not run for parliament and only Bulgarian voters are best qualified to determine the next leaders of Bulgaria in the upcoming elections.