Наквасени британци показаха истинския си празничен дух в петък вечер, давайки старт на сезона на всенародните гуляи по случай Коледа и Нова година.  Купонджийте започнаха празненствата в гащеризони и костюми, а малко по-късно медиците от бърза помощ започнаха да пристигат, за да прибират препилите и сбилите се, пише в. "Сън".  
Снимките са от улиците на Нюкасъл и Бристъл. На тях се вижда как местните посрещат началото на почивните дни.
Превод и редакция: БЛИЦ

Some posed for images with policemen as the enjoyed their evening

This drinker went a step further and popped on a policewoman's hat for a selfie

This young lady hitched a ride home on a blokes back as she welcomed in the Christmas season

Christmas jumpers were the order of the day in Bristol town centre as these fellows got into the festive spirit

The revelry proved too much for some as this drinker used a lamp post to keep herself upright

Blood and half eaten burgers were also left on the streets of Bristol as the festive season arrived

Some went even further and donned Christmas suits for the occasion

A man is taken to an ambulance assisted by a paramedic and street pastor

Mounted police took to the streets to keep order as the festive revellers partied on

These two women stopped off for a sit down after the merriment got too much

Others had slightly less pleasant encounters with the emergency services
These blokes seemed to have over done the festive cheer a tad as one grasped onto the other for support

One chap event took his Staffie for a stroll in a festive wreath as he decked himself out as Father Christmas

This geordie drinker appeared to have misplaced her shoes during the course of the evening

A pal gave his buddy a festive pat on the back as he stared at the ground after one too many Christmas beverages

Officers tend to a reveller who has fallen over in the streets of Bristol

A couple rest against a plinth as they engage in a festive embrace