Двукратната световна шампионка и два пъти втора на олимпийски игри - рускинята Евгения Медведева се ядоса на въпрос на фенове по време на чат на живо в "Инстаграм".

Тя получи въпрос - "Наистина ли състезателите по фигурно пързаляне пият толкова много?", като уточни, че нов тв сериал е оставил хората с погрешни впечатления.

Winbet - победата е на върха на пръстите! (18+)

"Това първо не е вярно, второ - не е възможно. Преди състезания броим всяка калория и се лишаваме от толкова много неща. Спортът ни е такъв, че не можем да се отпуснем за секунда. Такива въпроси ме обиждат и не искам да чувам повече за това. Не вярвайте на всичко, което телевизията и интернет ви казват", заяви Медведева.


️ Небольшая лекция Жени об алкоголе в фигурном катании и о сериале «Spinning out» • Hi, guys! This is my first stream on English so excuse my accent and my English. ⠀ I'm here to tell you something real quick. Something a lot of you guys have been asking me about "Spinning Out". And first of all, I want to tell you that I am really happy to see Jonathan [JVN] and Johnny [Weir] and small Greyson, this is so good for them. ⠀ But I'm here to tell you that a lot of yous guys have been texting me "Is it true that figure skaters are drinking that much?" and for me, it is not right, like no, I can tell you that... this is the only reason why I'm doing this livestream, because that amount of alcohol involved in this, that is on Netflix and a lot of people are watching this, it is making me very upset and sad when you are texting me like “are you drinking that much?" “are you drinking alcohol in your daily life?" like I can tell you that none of the skaters are drinking alcohol at all during preparation. ⠀ I am telling you for myself, I am not drinking at all. I don't want other people to think that figure skaters are alcoholics. And in that show it's too much alcohol, I don't think it is right. ⠀ I can tell you that if you're preparing for the Olympics, for a big competition, you are tracking everything. Every piece of food you take, you try to count every calorie, you don't even think about alcohol, it is dumb, it will bring down your result. ⠀ Do not trust any movie, because the truth is really different. We feel some kind of responsibility, especially high level skaters, we are not allowing ourselves to do this dumb stuff. ⠀ But all in all, I like this show, it is fun, some stuff is true, some stuff is not. ⠀ We take a lot of supplements by the way - you ask about the pills the figure skaters take during the movie - we take a lot of supplements, like Vitamin D and Magnesium and lots, lots, lots of stuff so yeah, those are the pills. Because it is easier to take one more Vitamin D than to lay under the sun for two hours. • Transcript cr.: medvedevanation #evgeniamedvedeva #евгениямедведева

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